今天只是星期六而已;只是不想要動態清零而已 / Say No to Zero-COVID Policy on an Ordinary Saturday


Today is a depressing Saturday. I planned to visit a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time, but when I went out, I found that I was banned again.




Today is an angry Saturday, people mourn the victims of the Urumqi fire accident which was cause by Zero-COVID policy, but no voice was allowed to be made.

PS: All comments will be “reviewed before posting” by the government next month.



Today is a touching Saturday, they are braver than us, “RIP to the dead, long live the people” resounds across the campus. May they be free, brave and safe.


今天是一個值得紀念的星期六,大家用各種方式,或安靜地紀念、或激烈的抗爭。 真有你的,能把中國人逼上街頭。

Today is a Saturday worth remembering. Everyone used various methods, either to commemorate quietly or to fight fiercely. It’s amazing how you can force the Chinese people into the streets.



Today is just an ordinary Saturday. Taiwanese use their votes to score those in power and take down pesky candidates, which is really ordinary.


一次又一次地被封控在家,一次又一次地被侵害屬於我的權利。 很遺憾,我不夠勇敢,沒有挺身而出的勇氣去表達我的不滿;我也不夠幸運,沒有一張選票可以去教訓這個傲慢的政府。 我只能輕輕的說一句:動態清零我反對。

Time and time again I was locked up at home, and my rights were violated once and once again. Unfortunately, I am not brave enough to stand up and express my dissatisfaction; I am not lucky enough to have a vote to teach this arrogant government a lesson. I can only say something softly: I am against Zero-COVID policy.

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